
Cross contamination: what is it?

Cross contamination occurs when biological, physical or chemical contaminants are passed from a contaminated object or product to another that is not.
Biological agents include bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Physical ones can be fragments of plastics, epithelial tissue or hair, while chemical ones refer to remains of preservatives, parebens, alcohols, etc.
To avoid cross contamination, especially mold that can be generated in wet spaces or other substances, it is best to use a new sponge for each wash with more delicate skins.

Diaper rash: what is it?

Diaper rash is a common disease in babies that usually appears during their third week of life. It affects 50% of babies * and is characterized by the appearance of redness in the diaper area, as well as a tight skin with paper-like texture. As you might expect, diaper rashes cause great discomfort to babies, especially when changing their diapers. *
* Diaper Dermatitis – Srisupalak Singalavanija, Ilona J. Frieden.

Your baby’s skin:

Your baby’s skin is sensitive and vulnerable by nature. It has a slightly more acid pH than adult skin and is more sensitive to infections and irritations. The dermis is 3
times thinner, and therefore has a greater tendency to lose heat and water. Due to all this, a baby’s skin needs specific care with adapted and safe products since they’re born.

How to deal with diaper rash:

Always consult with your pediatrician first. He will guide and help us in everything
related to our little one. When diaper rash is identified, the recommendations are the follow- ing:
• Know that we have to change the diaper at least every 3 hours and make sure that it does not squeeze our baby.
• When cleaning your baby’s bottom, use soap and water instead of baby wipes, then rinse well with water and dry completely.
BabyBaño is the ideal solution as it uses dermatologically tested soap for babies which acti- vates with water, plus a soft new sponge with each use.

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